My early design and work in life

18. December 2023

Just found some of my old images in some backup. Not that backup has been a number 1 choice from me in the beginning, wonder who at that time...?
But due to the fact that this gave me some nostalgic feeling, i ended up deciding that this should be on my site. So here it is.



Maybe it was because of backup I thought that in 2007 or something i should never touch a computer again.
Ohh boy I was wrong

Let's not dive to much into that thing about backup, but my girlfriend destroyed my
hard drive (by accident of cause I know now, not at that moment i knew) and after that I went offline for a few years.

On that hard drive there was all my work, and my future work I was planning. All of that was lost.

Anyways. Let's skip all the rest negative stuff, I've moved on.
But there was a lot of things going on in that period. Also some good stuff!!! (The love of my life x2)

So here is there something, just something I have collected.
This was the most important stuff. I remember I was very sad at that time all was lost, but life's continue, haaa?

Maybe some day I will tell about OneSite (A time Before Facebook and Without Facebook)
This was my first (or second, or third) website I built when I was a youngster.
It was my first work made from scratch in HTML/CSS and PHP - just in notepad (without syntax highlighting and shiiit!)

Before, it was Microsoft Frontpage and "webbyen" or "123hjemmeside" 🙂
Yes, we have all been there! And sorry for the name "Fister" this was before i knew
It was actually pretty big at that time, and very active.

More than 1500 users registered, and a lots of forum/news comments.

That shit went down dog!

Link to web archive
My first serious business in web development. Together with 2 others here in Denmark.
We got clients, I was 15 years old, and life was just started for me.

But there was something else that was more interesting, just put it that way heh

Link to web archive

Our clients was:

At the same time I was also a writer on and
and together with some "Online friends" we ended up making cool projects.

Something i made 🙂

I helped at a local school to "case-mod" (decorate) one's computer.

Together with a good friend, just because we were older than the others 🙂
We didn't have a clue, and we were maybe those 16-17 years old.
Had responsibility for a lot of 12 year olds. It was fun, but irresponsible!

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